Patient/Client Bill of Rights

TRS Care is a provider for Durable Medical Equipment and Health and Wellness Products.  Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.  To contact TRS Care, please call 281-385-8554. An automated ordering system is available after-hours to process your order the following business day.

Our mission is to provide our customers with the best answer to their medical supply needs.  This goal is achieved without compromising the highest moral and ethical standards for our customers and associates.

As a patient of TRS Care, you have the right to be fully informed verbally and/or in writing before care is initiated of the following:

  1. Supplies/products available directly or by contract;
  2. Organization’s ownership and control;
  3. Specific charges for services to be paid by you and those charges covered by insurance, third-party payment or public benefit programs;
  4. Billing policies, payment procedures and any changes in the information provided on admission as they occur within 15 days from the date that the organization is made aware of change;
  5. Participation in the plan of care and/or any change in the plan before it is made;
  6. Authorization of a designated representative to exercise your rights such as signing patient consent or authorization forms on your behalf;
  7. The organization maintains documentation of compliance of distribution of required information such as the patient consent form to clients;
  8. Receive services without regard to race, creed, gender, age, handicap, sexual orientation, veteran status or lifestyle;
  9. Make informed decisions about care and treatment plans and to receive information in a way that is understandable to you;
  10. Be notified in advance of treatment options, transfer, when and why care will be discontinued;
  11. Receive and access services consistently and in a timely manner in accordance with the organization's stated operational policy;
  12. Participate in the selection of options for alternative levels of care or referral to other organizations as indicated by the client’s need for continuing care;
  13. Receive disclosure information regarding any beneficial relationships the organization has that may result in profit for the referring organization;
  14. Be referred to another provider organization if the organization is unable to meet your needs or you are not satisfied with the care they are receiving;
  15. Voice grievances regarding treatment, care or respect for property that is or fails to be furnished by anyone providing services on behalf of the organization without reprisal for doing so;
  16. Receive information on grievance procedures, which includes contact name, phone numbers, hours of operation and how to communicate problems to the agency;
  17. Document a response from the agency regarding investigation and resolution of the grievance;
  18. Direct medical questions to and/or seek clinical advice from your nurse, physician or home health agency.
  19. Direct questions or concerns regarding the performance of your equipment, supplies and/or service to TRS Care at 281-385-8554.  Please request a complaint form. Please be advised that TRS Care is responsible for resolving your questions or concerns, and it is the company’s goal to respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner.  However, in the even your complaint remains unresolved with our company you may file a complaint with our Accreditor, The Compliance Team, Inc via their website or via phone 1-888-291-5353.  Your complaint will be responded to in 5 business days.
  20. Refuse treatment and be informed of potential results and/or risks;
  21. Be free from any mental, physical abuse, neglect or exploitation of any kind from agency staff;
  22. Your property (supplies) will be treated with respect;
  23. The confidentiality of your clinical records and the organization’s policy for accessing and disclosure of clinical records;
  24. Receive information regarding the organization’s liability insurance upon request;
  25. Receive a copy of the organization's Notice of Privacy Practices.

Real People. Real Stories.