Fighting cancer for 11 years... - Carol K

Fighting a Rare Cancer

I have been fighting a rare type of cancer Soft Tissue Liposarcoma for 11 years I am 59. I can no longer have surgery because it is too dangerous at this point. As I am on the last chemo session we are just hoping it slows the growth.

I have several tumors in my abdomen, one is very large. I am also on TPN for 10 hours a day. This helps to give me the nutrients and electrolytes which I need because I lost all my colon and most of my small intestines.

It is keeping me alive and out of the hospital so far.

Chemo Sideffects

The chemo I am on has caused thinning of my hair, and it is falling out in clumps.

So I decided to just shave it short.

My other side effects have been pretty mild so far. Fatigued, dry mouth, I lost my eyelashes so my eyes feel like there is sand in them and water all the time. I also have SOB. Stairs are very difficult for me. The Doctor thinks it is from a tumor compressing my diaphragm.

Don't Live in the Past

There are many memories that I just want to forget it hasn't been easy and I don't like to live in the past.

I live for every day I am still here because I never know when it will be my last.

Support Group

No, we haven't. I do have a social worker I meet with regularly. And Palliative also. I am part of a group of people that have a type of Sarcoma there are over 150 types. We are the Sarcoma Sunflower Brigade and we are very helpful and supportive of each other.

My Family

I have the best family they have been there for me every step!

My husband is very depressed because he isn't ready to lose me. We have been together for 32 years.

Don't Give Up

I know it is hard and you will have bad days.

But stay positive.

Live life as though you are well. Don't let it get the best of you enjoy every day you are here. I believe that is why I am still here. 11 years later and I have some of the best Doctors around. Dana Farber Brigham and Woman in Boston.


Thank you for sharing you give me so much hope and my partner is depress as well but he’s handling it his way I guess I’m in remission from cervical cancer so I know God got me and he got you too ❤️❤️ I’m gone keep you in my prayers 🙏🙏

Vera Hunter March 02, 2022

my prayers are with you , you are a blessed woman , and mine is in remission , but I think it’s back , but thanks to you ,you make me a little stronger by the way you live , again thank you for sharing and I am sending up prayers for you and your loved ones , thank you Jesus !!!!

Barbara February 10, 2022

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